Marco Percoco is a professor at Università Bocconi in Milan and an advisor in cases of investment valuation and service regulation. His research interests and field of expertise are in real estate, transport and infrastructure, energy, environmental and water services. 

Adviser in regulatory disputes, antitrust cases and investment project appraisal

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Regulatory consulting in disputes regarding the Transport and Energy Authorities;
Economic and financial consulting activity for investment projects in regulated industries and in the real estate sector, even in form of public-private partnerships;
Expert opinion in disputes in administrative and civil tribunals regarding concessions, regulation and antitrust;
Expert opinion and harm evaluation by means of counterfactual techniques in cases of antitrust private enforcement;


ico trasportiTransport

Economic and regulatory assistance for clients operating in all segments of the mobility sector. Expert witness in antitrust cases.

territorio 34x34Infrastructure

Evaluation and drafting of Economic and Financial Plans for projects in all infrastructure sectors, even under PPP regimes. Drafting of socio-economic impact analysis and cost-benefit analysis.

real 34x34Real Estate

Evaluation and drafting of Economic and Financial Plans for real estate projects, as well as property and portfolio valuation. Expert opinions in cases of urban regeneration and assistance in the planning phases with public bodies.

acqua 34x34Water services

Economic and regulatory consulting, with specific reference to tariff regulation. Technical and economic assistance in antitrust cases.

energia 34x34Energy

Economic and regulatory consulting, with specific reference to tariff regulation. Technical and economic assistance in antitrust cases.

ambiente 34x34Environment

Economic and regulatory consulting, with specific reference to tariff regulation in the urban waste management sector. Technical and economic assistance in antitrust cases. Counterfactual economic evaluation of environmental damages
