Over the years, Professor Marco Percoco has assisted corporations, law firms, dealers, investors, investment funds, public bodies in the judicial and extra-judicial fields in a multitude of activities related to regulatory consultancy, real estate and infrastructure economics and finance, antitrust consultancy.

Regulatory assistance

Prof. Percoco provides regulatory consultancy with particular reference to the motorway, airport, energy and public utility services sectors in general. He supports companies in tenders for concession assignments, in defining tariff systems, efficiency margins, remuneration of investments. In this context, clients and law firms are supported with consultancy in litigation and extra-litigation, also before Independent Authorities, providing technical opinions and any other analytical support activity.

Real estate and infrastructure economics and finance

Prof. Percoco provides certification and drafting of economic and financial feasibility studies for projects in the real estate and infrastructure sectors, through a careful financial analysis and also cost-benefit analysis consistent with the standards defined by the European Commission and the CIPE. Also in this area, relies the activity of supporting law firms in the field of public-private partnerships and quantifying the damage, including urban planning, in judicial and extrajudicial areas is intense.


Prof. Percoco provides assistance to clients and law firms in the field of identification of the relevant market, counterfactual estimate of the antitrust damage, opinions on the robustness of the decisions of the Antitrust Authority to be presented before the administrative courts, as well as in the field of private enforcement.